How can I issue an invoice on Timebase?

To issue an invoice go to particular Projects card -> click Activity button -> click Not reviewed from Detailed review list -> select all activities that you want to add in the invoice -> and click Create invoice button below. The invoice preview window will appear.

You can add/edit the information in the preview window and choose language currency for the invoice from the drop-down menu.

Download this invoice in Excel, PDF or web link format to send it to your client manually.

Click the drop down menu next to Send out button to add file, save draft, hide the statement, cancel the invoice and more.

To send the invoice directly to client click Send out button. Once you click Send out button a pop-up window will appear with a prepared email draft. Add/edit the automatically generated information if needed and click Send.

A statement report for your selected activities will be generated automatically. You can download it in Excel, PDF or web link format.

Last Update: November 24, 2017  


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